Lifeless planet premier edition review
Lifeless planet premier edition review

The game does keep you engaged – from the mysterious start to the satisfying ending, you keep discovering more and more about what has actually happened on the planet and its relationship to Earth. There’s enough mystery on the planet to keep you intrigued and guessing you may uncover next, along with collectible logs that give you a bit more detail about the back story of the planet and how previous events had unfolded. It’s a throw back to classic sci-fi stories and it’s effective. The story isn’t too complicated, but it serves its purpose. There’s also the mysterious hallucinations the main character has – are these the work of the planet or does the main character have a troubled state of mind? Of course, the mysteries continue to unfold with deadly life forms on the planet along with a strange Russian woman, unknown to be friend or foe, who seems to be able to survive on the planet’s hostile surface. He begins to look for the rest of his crewmates who were meant to have landed on the planet, but instead uncovered signs of human settlements on the planet. The planet was supposed to be rich with life, but instead a barren wasteland lay before him. The game opens with the main character crash landing on the planet. Was it a pleasant experience, or did the game feel as lifeless as the planet itself? I went into the game with an expectation on the feel of the game, but without knowing truly how it played.

#Lifeless planet premier edition review Pc#

I actually skipped the PC release of the game and instead opted to play the Xbox One release of Lifeless Planet, dubbed the ‘Premier Edition’.

lifeless planet premier edition review lifeless planet premier edition review

The Kickstarter campaign was a success, achieving its target within 24 hours, and the game launched in March 2014.

lifeless planet premier edition review

It really had that feeling of a classic sci-fi movie. There was something about the vibe of the game that appealed to me: a lone astronaut on a desolate planet, unravelling its many mysteries. I’ve been interested in Lifeless Planet since the Kickstarter campaign initially caught my eye back in 2011.

Lifeless planet premier edition review