Twilight zone gremlin
Twilight zone gremlin

twilight zone gremlin

twilight zone gremlin

  • Cigarette of Anxiety: As soon as he takes his seat, Bob starts to light up a cigarette to calm his nerves.
  • It's played off as ironic that such a nervous man would be next to the emergency window, but it'll be important for the climax.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The second Bob takes his seat, he sees the means to open the Auxiliary Exit window.
  • Canon Foreigner: Julia does not appear in the short story.
  • What's more, it's implied that his claim might be validated once mechanics discover the damage on the wing. His wife is supportive and comforting towards him, and Bob goes to the asylum with grace.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Although Bob will go back to being in an asylum after that stunt he pulled on the plane, what counts is he stopped the gremlin from sabotaging the plane.
  • In Twilight Zone: The Movie, the protagonist's name is John Valentine.
  • His name was Arthur Wilson in the short story.

    In the Twilight Zone: The Movie adaptation, John Valentine suffers from a fear of flying.

    twilight zone gremlin twilight zone gremlin

    He also derives the gremlin's name from something ".they called them during the war," and with Wilson's age stated as 37 in 1963 (the year of the episode), he's potentially old enough to have been in either WWII or the Korean War. In the television adaptation, he suffered a nervous breakdown on a plane six months earlier. In the short story by Richard Matheson, Wilson is extremely apprehensive about flying but no specific reason is given as to why.Once the plane has landed, although he is whisked away in a straitjacket, a final shot reveals evidence of his claims: the unusual damage to the plane's engine nacelle, yet to be discovered by mechanics. Bob then steals a sleeping policeman's revolver, and opens the window marked "Auxiliary Exit" to shoot the gremlin, succeeding despite the fact that he is nearly blown out of the plane himself. The flight attendant tries to give Bob sleeping pills, but Bob fakes swallowing them so he can stay up and do something about the gremlin. Bob realizes that his wife is starting to think he needs to go back to the sanitarium, but after he sees the gremlin begin to peel back the metal on the wing he realizes that if nothing is done about the gremlin, it will cause the plane to crash. But, every time someone else looks out the window, the gremlin always leaps out of view, so nobody believes Bob's seemingly outlandish claim. As he stares out his window on a a stormy night, he thinks he spots a supposed gremlin on the wing of the plane. Wilson's plan, happens to be in the darkest corner of the Twilight Zone.īob Wilson (played by William Shatner) is a salesman on an airplane with his wife for the first time since his nervous breakdown six months prior. Tonight, he's traveling all the way to his appointed destination, which, contrary to Mr. Wilson's flight was terminated by the onslaught of his mental breakdown. Wilson is about to be flown home - the difference being that, on that evening half a year ago, Mr. Wilson has just been discharged from a sanitarium where he spent the last six months recovering from a nervous breakdown, the onset of which took place on an evening not dissimilar to this one, on an airliner very much like the one in which Mr. Robert Wilson, thirty-seven, husband, father and salesman on sick leave. Rod Serling: Portrait of a frightened man: Mr.

    Twilight zone gremlin